How to recycle plastic pet bottles

With the summer heat already knocking ,  gallons of bottled drinking water , soft drinks  will be guzzled will leaving heaps of pet bottles adding to the ever increasing garbage issue. Village Panchayat Betalbatim in association with Betalbatim civic and consumer forum, under the watchful guidance of Clinton Vaz, has made successful attempts to collect dry waste including plastic from houses that have registered for the same. A number of workshops were conducted to educate and demonstrate how to segregate household garbage and systematic use of 3 potted KAMBHA composter for wet waste.

Betalbatim is probably one of the first if not first villages in Goa that provided a recycling station to its villagers. The illiterate nature of some educated morons have made a mess of the recycling station. There are rumours that adjoining villagers find it quite convenient to fling un-segregated garbage from the comforts of their cars adding to the stink. Maybe it is time we learn from our former rulers ( foreign tourist temporarily  residing in Betalbatim carry to the recycle station and dispose off segregated garbage separately) and rag pickers whom we fail to thank when our garbage is collected the traditional way. Some houses which contributed to the door to door scheme instead of helping others to join ,have stopped for reasons best known to them.

Maybe our elders find it difficult to understand the grave nature of garbage issue, but it is the youth of today including those who opt for N.S.S who collect garbage only on garbage collection drives and forget when littering otherwise can make a difference to make the future much cleaner for themselves and the generations to come.

The economics of converting garbage into gold is best understood by those who mess their hands collecting, segregating, processing and recycling it. Read an article in heraldo dated 26th march 2012 to educate yourself 

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